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Search Results: IBM Product(s) Found



In IBM's view, today's networked economy has created a global business landscape and a mandate for business change. Integrated global economies have opened markets of new opportunity and new sources of skills. The Internet has enabled communication and collaboration across the world and brought with it a new computing model premised on continuous global connection. In that landscape, companies can distribute work and technology anywhere in the world.

Given these opportunities, IBM is working with its clients to develop new business designs and technical architectures that allow their businesses the flexibility required to compete in this new landscape. The business is also adjusting its footprint toward emerging geographies, tapping their double-digit growth, providing the technology infrastructure they need, and taking advantage of the talent pools they provide to better service the company's clients.
Company URL:   |   Address: 1 New Orchard Road, Armonk, NY 10504-1722
Product Description
Last Updated: 04/11/13

From business intelligence to financial performance and strategy management to analytics applications, Cognos software can provide what your organization needs to become top-performing and analytics-driven. With products for the individual, workgroup, department, midsize business and large enterprise, Cognos software is designed to help everyone in your organization make the decisions that achieve better business outcomes­for now and in the future.

Cognos solutions are designed to help you make smarter decisions and manage performance for optimized business results. Combine your financial and operational data into a single, seamless source of information in the environment of your choice for transparent and timely reporting, analysis and action.

Cognos software accesses your IBM data sources and runs on major IBM platforms to help your business get the consistent data it needs. Also, Cognos software provides native interfaces to major ERP systems for fast access.

Cognos software integrates with other IBM software to create instrumented, interconnected, intelligent systems that redefine business in the age of the customer.

Categories: » Application Server    » Web Server   
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Phone: 866-601-1934


At this April 23rd TechTalk, we’ll discuss innovations that can help alleviate operational gridlock with updates to the IBM Cognos family, including IBM Cognos Insight, IBM Cognos Workspace, IBM Cognos Mobile and IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes software.

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